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How to Become a Volunteer Teen Book Reviewer

How to Become a Volunteer Teen Book Reviewer by Submitting a Review for Your Community Service Hours

It is recommended that you should enjoy reading and writing!   You should be able to write in a conversational way with minimal spelling and grammar errors.  

Teens in grades 6th through 12th are eligible to participate in this program!

  • Read and Review Books - 
    • Books being reviewed should be generally young adult books for grades 6th - 12th.  
    • Books being reviewed should not have already been reviewed and posted on this site.
    • Adult books must be approved in advance.* 
        • *Please send and email with subject heading:  Volunteer Teen Book Reviewer to to get adult book approval.  
    • Also, all reviewed books must be in the Westchester Library System catalog or in our digital collections.
  • Book Review Submission: 
    • Each book review needs to be submitted via Teen Volunteer Book Review submission form.  
    • Reviewers must include their  Name, Grade and School Name for each submission.  Although the review will be posted on the library website, we will only post first names and last initial under each book review submitted. Your review should also include the Title and Author and Genre.
    • Your review should have a Summary Paragraph.  
      • The summary paragraph must be at least 150 words but not longer than 400 words. 
      • Please write a paragraph describing what the book is about (the plot, etc.). 
      • Please do not write the whole synopsis of the book, and don't give away the ending! Just a basic description. 
    • Your review should include an Opinion Paragraph as well. Give your opinion of the book:  
      • What did you like or not like about it?
      • Who do you think would like the book? 
      • How it made you feel or think. 
      • This is the important part of a book review so be honest! 
    • This isn't a school assignment, so write like you're recommending (or not recommending) the book to a friend. Your opinion paragraph must be at least 150 words but not more than 400.
    • Plagiarism will not be tolerated and students who are caught will be banned from the volunteer program and no credit given.
    • Only complete reviews will be accepted. We are not looking for perfect reviews but we expect the review to be ready for publication.
    • All Teen Volunteer Book Reviewers must be Somers residents.
  • Volunteer Hours Granted: 
    • Four (4) hours of volunteer time will be given for reading a book and submitting all required information. Work should be completed offsite.
    • No more than 1 review per week from one individual (Sunday - Saturday) will be accepted.
    • Once you submit your review, please note that it can take a week or longer before you receive a confirmation email with your acknowledgement of volunteer service. Give yourself plenty of time!

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