Ready Player One is a thrilling, fast paced and heart wrenching science fiction novel. It tells the story of Wade Watts, who was orphaned at a young age, and sent to live with his Aunt and abusive Uncle. In 2044, civilization had broken down, and reality is a dark place. Wade finds his escape using a virtual reality experience called OASIS created by James Halladay, the owner of Gregarious Games. Our story begins when James Halladay dies, he leaves a video explaining an Easter egg he hid in his own creations. Before James Halladay died, he created a video informing his fan of this plot to find easter egg within the game, and the prize at stake. The person who finds all three keys and unlocks the gate to the Easter egg, will have complete control over the OASIS, and James Halladay’s shares of Gregarious Games- which is valued at a quarter trillion dollars. Everyone in the world is invested in the contest, including IOI, a huge corporation headed by Nol...