Ready Player One is a thrilling, fast paced and heart wrenching science fiction novel. It tells the story of Wade Watts, who was orphaned at a young age, and sent to live with his Aunt and abusive Uncle. In 2044, civilization had broken down, and reality is a dark place. Wade finds his escape using a virtual reality experience called OASIS created by James Halladay, the owner of Gregarious Games. Our story begins when James Halladay dies, he leaves a video explaining an Easter egg he hid in his own creations. Before James Halladay died, he created a video informing his fan of this plot to find easter egg within the game, and the prize at stake. The person who finds all three keys and unlocks the gate to the Easter egg, will have complete control over the OASIS, and James Halladay’s shares of Gregarious Games- which is valued at a quarter trillion dollars. Everyone in the world is invested in the contest, including IOI, a huge corporation headed by Nolan Sorento. He will stop at nothing to ensure that IOI becomes the largest gaming company in the world. However, Wade is determined as well and forms a team of his own. What ensues is mayhem, fighting, passion and grit. Will Wade and his team find the Easter egg before IOI takes over?
Ready Player One is one of my favorite books of all time! It is exciting, action-packed, suspenseful and has many twists and turns. The best things about this book is the way that, the author, Earnest Cline is able to readily go back and forth between the real world and the virtual world. Earnest Cline makes you feel like you are truly in both worlds- he is able to help you understand what the world is like in 2044. I also enjoyed that the five main characters believed so strongly in themselves and their alliance that they took on a big corporation. This corporation had millions of dollars to spend on this mission, while the teenagers were a much different with close to no expendable money. Nolan Sorento, CEO of IOI, is a great character even though he is thought of as the bad guy. Through his perspective you can see the competition through the eyes of a business man. This perspective differs greatly from the alliance of protagonists. The type of reader who would like this great novel enjoys science fiction, as well as fast paced books. This book not only has wonderful characters that are relatable but a story that is also exciting and surprising. I hope that you enjoy Ready Player One as much as I did.
Reviewed by Jared G., Grade 10