Mare Barrow lives in a world where having red blood means poverty and having silver blood means having supernatural abilities. Her red blood inheritance gave her a life of stealing from wealthy Silvers to survive, or that is until she met a man one night and her life changed forever. That night Mare goes from living in the Silts to working in the Silver Palace. When she is working a worldwide Silver event, she and the rest of the Silvers discover that Mare also holds a supernatural power of her own. With the balance between Silvers and Reds now disturbed, the royal family announce Mare as a lost Silver princess and betroth her to their youngest son. Despite knowing that one mistake can end in her death, Mare works alongside a resistance group and the only thing certain is that there's going to be trouble. Trouble and blood spill, both Red and Silver blood spill.
Red Queen is the perfect book for when you want to get swept into a world full of action and mystery. With multiple plot twists, engaging characters, and many cliff hangers you can't help but keep reading. Victoria Aveyard has you thinking you know which character is good and which one is evil and which Silver prince truly loves Mare until the end when you find out that everything you thought you knew was wrong. The mix of betrayal, romance, and uncertainty in the Silver and Red world is exactly what makes the story so intriguing to readers. Which prince will Mare end up with, Cal or Maven? Will the resistance succeed and will the Silver rein come to an end? Will Mare's red blood be the reason of her death? And most important, who can Mare really put her trust in? If your looking for an ending that makes you gasp with surprise and a plot that you can't help but enjoy, make sure to give Red Queen a try.
Reviewed by Natalia Tellez, Grade 8