Exit West by Mohsin Hamid tells the story of Nadia and Saeed. Both college students, they first meet in a business class, then begin a relationship together. All is going well when their country erupts in civil war, leaving their city pockmarked by bomb blasts and explosions. They soon hunker down in Saeed’s parents’ house and wait for it all to pass. The couple, though, begins to hear rumors about “doors” – portals which can transport people away from the war zone, if perilously and for a price. As the violence in their city escalates, Nadia and Saeed find that they are out of options: if they leave their home, they could be shot; if they stay, their neighborhood could be bombed. Risking their life for a chance at escape, they pay an agent to find a door, and in the darkness of night, step through. What awaits them on the other side? Read the book to find out.
Exit West is no doubt an excellent book, combining elements of fantasy with real-world scenarios that are gripping, thrilling, and terrifying at the same time. The scenes are realistic, the descriptions are detailed, and the characters have real feelings. I really enjoyed reading this book, and I would recommend it to anyone. It is quite an engaging read.
Reviewed by Nitin S. 12th