This story is about Louie Zamperini, and his story during WW2. In this book he is on the B-24, a plane used by the Americans during the war. The plane is very strong and won almost all the fights, but in this fight the B-24 was being shot by many different planes. The bullets took out many different engines on the plan causing it to crash in the ocean. Only 3 people survived including Louie. Now they were stranded in the middle of the ocean. They survived 47 days in the middle of the ocean, eating raw fish and birds. This caused them to be very sick and skinny, but on day number 47 they were found by a Japanese ship where they were treated well with food. Then they were put on an island where they were very abused. They got one rice ball and they were being eating alive by bugs. Their rooms were 3 foot by 3 foot and they were not allowed to leave. They were then moved to a concentration camp where they had to work hard job like moving coal. After 1 month they were moved to a different camp. They kept on moving camps until he meets the worst person alive, they called him the "Bird". Now he must survive and make it to his family.
I think this book was great. I like how Louie never gave up
even in the hardest position. He was very persistent. I did not like how the
Japanese were so mean and abusive. They killed millions and millions of people.
I think people in grades 7- 12 would like this book because I think you have to
be a little mature to read the book. It made me sad because there is no need
for there to be war and millions of people died and others have PTSD and their
lives are ruined because of this one big fight. All in all, I think all genders
and any grade from 7 and up will like this book. It shows perseverance and
there are great stores to learn from this book. Some stories the book tells are
karma in the camp like when the Bird was beating the Americans. Then after the
war the Bird and other people were sent to jail. So you learn not to be mean to
others because it might turn around and you will be the one that is being made
fun of. This book is also good because it tells the story of the longest time
survived in the ocean,
Reviewed by Alex W., 9th Grade