This book is about a teenager named Todd on a planet called "New World" trying to escape from an army. But on this planet, a sickness caused all woman on the planet to die, and the remaining men to be able to hear other's thoughts. But one day Todd finds a place that is completely quiet but when he thinks about that place in his mind everyone finds out and creates an army to catch him and find the secret place. While he is running away, he was surprised to meet a girl named Viola because he thought all females died because of the sickness. Together they go to a place called Farbranch but the army soon catches up to them and destroys the village. As they keep going, they reach another village and Todd meets his guardian Ben from his town and for the first time learns about the truth of the world and is told to go to a place called Haven. When Viola and Todd get to Haven they realize what has happened to Haven and the town. If you want to know the rest, read the book!
I really liked this book because there is a lot of mystery and suspense. This book always kept me up way too late because it was such a good book but there were also some sad parts like when Manchee dies or when they get to Haven and realize that they have lost. If I were to recommend this book to someone, I would recommend it to people that like mystery, suspense, and people that would want an excuse to stay up way too late at night. As soon as I finished this book it made me want to read the next one as fast as possible because it was a good book, but there were also some parts that I did not like about the book, like how some words were spelled weirdly and there was a lot of running and goI wished there was a little bit more action. Still, this book was a very good book, and I would recommend it to most people.
Reviewed by Kenji T., Grade 6