Spy School is the first book of an amazing series and revolves around a young boy named Benjamin Ripley and his friends at spy school. Ben is a 13 year old boy living in Virginia going to your average old middle school. But Ben has level 16 math skills making him extremely smart. Coming home from school one day Ben finding 50 year old Alexander Hale sitting on his bed with a promotion for him to become a spy. Joining the school Ben leaves right that day to St. Smithen's Science Academy for Boys and Girls the cover name for the CIA's Academy of Espionage. Ben arrives at spy school and realizes that your don't learn how to be James Bond and go skydiving off of buildings in a fancy suit. Meeting a couple new people who soon quickly become his friends Ben realizes that life at SCHOOL is a lot harder than they make it seem. Ben quickly becomes the number one target for an evil organization called SPYDER and has to go on the run. Will Ben be able to stop SPYDER's plot before he gets killed? Or will he suffer the same fate as any other spy before him?
This book was very intriguing and would very much recommend for people who love action, mystery, and adventure. This book makes the reader think a lot, it gives out questions, clues and other mystery detail. This book is also very educational as Ben and his friends travel the world the visit some of the wonders of the world and the author gives of facts about the places they visit. Ben, still a number one target throughout the series isn't supposed to go on missions but is forced to be activated because he is the only one smart enough to stop SPYDER and their villainous plots. This entire book was perfect except for it one flaw, the cursing. So if your parent's don't allow you to read book with ANY foul language than this book might not be the best, none the less the author only uses words like a*s and sh*t and very scarcely I may add. Anyway this book was awesome and I strongly recommend it as well as the series.
Reviewed by Abigail B. 7th Grade