A Mango shaped space is a fiction novel that focuses on a girl who is hiding something which makes her life completely different from other people. It takes you through several years of her life and you learn about her, her family, and how they live. The book starts with the main character Mia telling you a story from five years ago. She discusses how in third grade she was yelled at for rewriting something on the board, in what she called the “correct colors.” Mia was sent to the principle by her teacher because she thought she was fooling around. She didn’t want to get in trouble, so she played it off like it was a joke. At that point no one ended up finding out. She keeps this from her family and friends until many years later when both she and her parents realize that something is wrong. They all realize it’s time to find out what it is. They go from doctor to doctor until they find one who knows what is wrong with Mia. That’s when everything changes. As you go along with her in the book, she slowly realizes she isn't the only one. On top of Mia’s own personal struggle, the people she loves the most are all dealing with their own pain.
I thought the book was amazing! I
like to read books that every chapter leaves you thinking. One of my favorite
things about the book was how every couple chapters there was a climax. There
was always something that I found interesting or unexpected. For instance, I
had never heard of the condition called synesthesia. It was fascinating to learn about it. The
twists and turns of the story were not always happy, but they always added
quite a bit of depth to the story. Something else I found unique and different
about this book that not all books have, is how you learned not only about Mia,
but you also learned about her family and friends. You get to find out about
how they contribute to Mia’s life and to the story. I think this book is also
important because it is one that most people can relate too. Even though your
difference might not be as big of an issue as what Mia has to deal with, it is
still something you can relate to. This book is about having something that
makes you feel isolated and alone. I think that everyone has that one thing
that makes them feel different from everyone else.
This is why I think you should read A Mango Shaped Space by
Wendy Mass.
Reviewed by Dylan D. 7th Grade