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The Love and Lies of Rukhsana Ali by Sabina Khan (Fiction)

'The Love and Lies of Rukhsana Ali' by Sabina Khan is an insightful book that shows how some cultural beliefs along with identity, love, and family. The book is about 17-year-old Rukhsana who is tired of living up to her conservative household and cultural expectations. Her mother believes she shouldn’t date and being a lesbian isn’t normal. Rukhsana’s family is ashamed to know she is lesbian and knows that if other families hear, the Ali family’s reputation would be ruined. Her mother starts by bringing her to friends to show Rukhsana what would happen if word got out. Ariana, Rukhsana’s secret girlfriend would be in trouble, Rukhsana would be in trouble and the family wouldn’t be allowed anywhere. After Rukhsana’s mother found out about Ariana, she was more adamant on finding Rukhsana a good Muslim boy for Rukhsana to marry. She knew that if she couldn’t convince Rukhsana “not to be” lesbian then she would need to send Rukhsana to get married. They head to Bangladesh to get Rukhsana married with the excuse that Rukhsana’s grandmother is sick. Once there, with the help of Rukhsana’s cousin/dear friend they figure out a way to avoid the marriage. During the plan to escape and head back home, Rukhsana’s soon to be husband is murdered for being gay. After learning about the sick events occurring around her, Rukhsana learns and reads about her grandmother's horrible abusive past to keep herself sane while being tortured in a room for days. She learns that she needs to fight back and have the courage to fight for her love. After days of suffering, she flees her home in Bangladesh and heads back to the US. Her mother follows her back home, where they both make up for the troubles. Rukhsana’s mother becomes more inclusive and Rukhsana stays proud of her identity disregarding the religious/cultural aspect.

I loved this book for the tie it had to South Asian representation which I feel is rarely written about. I wish the book didn’t start off with such a long introduction on how life was like for Rukhsana in the beginning. I think this would be mainly interesting for anyone looking for Asian representation, books on same-sex relationships, and having to follow a strict culture/traditional belief would enjoy this. But I also agree that this book is great for anyone and everyone because it includes all-inclusive themes too. I was happy to find this book on Libby. I have been looking for South Asian books to read that depict life for minorities in modern day world. I always thought that arranged marriage is such a common idea for the past that wouldn’t be as pushed anymore since we live in a modern and inclusive world. I was shocked to read the perspective of this book but thoroughly enjoyed it.

Reviewed by Smera T. Grade 8th

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