The Selection by Kiera Cass is realistic fantasy novel revolving around a young poor girl, named America and her experience in a competition called “The Selection”. The Selection is a competition where hundreds of young girls apply, between the ages of sixteen and twenty, to compete for the Prince of Illea’s love and affection. Out of the hundreds that apply, only thirty-five are invited to compete. All of the young women want a chance to be picked, because this means that if they win, they will not only marry a prince, but they will one day become Queen of Illea. We learn that America, is one of the many girls that has applied, even though she doesn’t think she has a chance of being chosen. The story begins when America, the main character, is shocked to find out she was chosen to compete. Throughout the story America meets many different people and has different experiences with each of them. She finds a best friend and someone she can trust in a girl named Marlee. While having ...